After Sleeve Gastrectomy: 7 Secrets For Success



Your lifestyle has completely changed after sleeve gastrectomy, and now you’ve got to figure out the best ways to make this weight loss surgery a long-term success.

Of course, following your doctor’s orders is the first and most important step throughout this process. But what about other tips or advice that truly have a positive impact on your results?

As you probably know, just like any weight loss surgery, weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy varies from person to person. It all depends on factors specific to you and your body, such as:

  • Starting weight

  • Body mass index (BMI)

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Health complications

  • Lifestyle choices

  • How well you follow the diet and exercise recommendations


This is where our advice comes into play! The more options we can provide for you after sleeve gastrectomy, the better (and quicker) results you'll see.

One of the most rewarding benefits to a sleeve gastrectomy is how quickly you’ll start to lose your weight. Your gastric sleeve procedure starts working almost immediately after surgery.

After Sleeve Gastrectomy: 7 Secrets For Success

1. Avoid Sugar

2. Cut-out Snacking

3. Protein is Power

4. Refuse the Booze

5. Discover Support Groups

6. Listen to Your Body

7. Exercise


With that being said, you’ve got to be ready and fully-versed with all the information you need to know about best practices after sleeve gastrectomy the second you get home and begin recovering from surgery.

Follow along as we go through our 7 secrets for success after sleeve gastrectomy to help further the success of your weight loss surgery.

After Sleeve Gastrectomy: 7 Healthy Ways for Achieving Maximum Results

1. Avoid sugar (even sugar that’s in the form of liquids)

Doesn’t it seem like some of the best things in life are the worst for you? That’s how we feel about sugar!

Unfortunately, sugar isn’t the best ingredient for anyone, specifically for patients that have undergone any sort of weight loss procedure or surgery.

Consuming sugar after sleeve gastrectomy can actually cause hunger pangs or that uncomfortable feeling you get in your stomach when you’re hungry. Not to mention, sugar rarely provides healthy nutrients your body needs to recover and heal from surgery.

We understand that sugar is in just about everything, but it’s important to remember that certain foods contain more sugar than others.

If you aren’t sure whether food has too much sugar in it for you, read the label. Try to avoid any food products that list sugar in the first three ingredients.

To learn more on the types of food to eat or to avoid after sleeve gastrectomy, read an article published by Medical News Today, What To Eat And Avoid on The Gastric Sleeve Diet.


2. Cut-out snacking

As we said earlier, there’s a lot of new lifestyle changes you’ll have to get used to after sleeve gastrectomy, and cutting out snacking is one of them.

Snacking is a habit that can be challenging to break, especially if it’s been a part of your life for a long time.

However, snacking can slow your progress and interfere with your long-term weight loss success. If you’re hungry, just eat a normal meal, instead of snacking in between.



3. Protein is power

When you do choose to eat your meals after sleeve gastrectomy, make sure that including protein is your primary focus.

Protein is wonderful for your body in general, and even better for those who are recovering from weight loss surgery.

Protein helps to maintain your muscle mass while your body is busy losing fat, as well as helping you feel fuller, for longer, after your meals.

A common mistake that a lot of people make is running out of room for protein during their meals. To avoid this, start with your protein at the beginning of your meals.


4. Refuse the booze

Just like sugar, we’re saying “no” to alcohol after sleeve gastrectomy. Most alcohol is packed full of sugar anyways, which you know is a red flag.

Alcohol can easily contribute to stomach ulcers, which you’re already at a higher risk for because of your surgery. You’ve come a long way, and alcohol is just not worth the risk.

After you've recovered from surgery, an alcoholic beverage here and there shouldn’t be an issue. Just be careful because weight loss surgery makes you more sensitive to alcohol, even more than you might have been before. A little goes a long way.


5. Discover support groups or people

Any sort of weight loss surgery is a big deal and something you don’t have to walk through alone. You’d be surprised to learn how many people have been in the same situation as you who are willing to share their stories with you.

Not only do support groups offer emotional comfort, but they can also give you first-hand tips on what worked, or didn’t work, for them throughout their weight loss journey.

There are support groups for just about everything nowadays, all you have to do is a little research on the internet to find one nearest you.

If you don’t feel comfortable attending a support group or meeting, confiding in a close friend or family member is also a great way to ensure you’re getting all the comfort and support you need during this time.


6. Listen to your body

Listening to your body is a tricky thing. It’s even common to sometimes fight with what you’re mind is telling you instead of what you know to be true.

You’ve probably heard this a million times but we’re going to tell you again: don’t eat if you aren’t hungry.

Just because your watch says it’s lunchtime, doesn’t mean it has to be if you aren’t feeling hungry. Try to block out those hungry thoughts in your head in situations like this, and only eat when you’re truly hungry.


7. Exercise

This goes without saying, but exercise is always a good idea. The moment you feel you are able to do a little activity, get up and exercise.

The best approach to take is to start off slow, even if it’s just a short five-minute walk to your mailbox and back. You’ll achieve better results, and you’ll love how quickly your stamina improves as you lose weight.

Not only is exercise helpful for weight loss, but it’s great for the mind too. Clearing your head through simple exercise is a great way to relieve stress or anxiety.

Learn more about mental health and weight loss by reading our article, Weight Loss and Mental Health: Closer Related Than You Think.


There are many steps you can take to ensure you achieve the maximum weight loss results after sleeve gastrectomy. The more research you do, the closer you’ll be in achieving your goals.

At BariBoss, we are dedicated to helping you conquer and achieve your weight loss goals by providing you with tools and resources. We’re here to support and encourage you as you strive to reach a healthier lifestyle. If you’d like to learn more on after sleeve gastrectomy, or any of the other services we offer, reach out to us here. Let us be your biggest cheerleader as you become a better you.
